About More Trees

General Incorporated Association More Trees is a forest conservation organization led by a Japanese musician, Ryuichi Sakamoto. With accelerating forest destruction and global warming reaching a critical point, five founders including Ryuichi Sakamoto stood up for action and established the organization in 2007, backed by more than 100 endorsers.

More Trees plans and organizes various programs in aiming for a “society where forests and people coexist for generations to come” with a keyword in mind: “Connecting cities and forests.” Our programs include “More Trees Forests” – a collaborative work with local communities for conserving forests –, planning and development of products and services utilizing domestic timber, and sharing of information and charms of forests through seminars and events.

Today our world faces a number of issues such as climate change and biodiversity crises, a cause of which derives from forest destruction. The situation is dire; it is not easy to improve the situation, let alone solve the issues. Yet, we believe in attitudes and wills that tackle what exists in front of us and handle what we can. While facing up to the reality, we are determined to launch positive activities in collaboration with people who grow forests.

Vision of More Trees

Wherever on Earth, we live as we receive the “blessings of forests.”
May forests always be with people;
And may people always receive the blessings of forests.
For a society where forests and people coexist for generations to come,
More Trees explores, thinks and practices what we can do now.

Functions and Blessings of Forests

The blessings of forests are not limited to “things” such as timber.
Forests have various functions and support our fulfilling life:

  • Soil conservation/erosion control
  • Protection of water sources
  • Preservation of biodiversity
  • Global environmental preservation (global warming control)
  • Wellness/recreation (calming and healing effects)

We all live supported by these forest functions and receiving their abundant blessings.

Our Approach of “Creating Forests”

We are losing forests everyday around the world. In Japan, although the number of trees is increasing, those trees are neither properly nor sufficiently cared, resulting in the loss of forest health.

In order to recover the health of forests, More Trees provides forest conservation activities that suit the status of local areas and the countries with focuses on “planting trees” and “growing, adequately cutting down and utilizing trees.”

Also, More Trees connects forests and cities by delivering products, services, information and experiences from forests while giving back forests the thoughts of people who receive the values of forest blessings and economic price for such values.

The thoughts of people in cities generate economic values, which is given back to forest conservation activities. Preserved forests will then share their blessings with people again.

Establishing and maintaining such cycle is what we think “creating forests,” and leads us to our activities for the “society where forests and people coexist for generations to come.”

Organization Overview

(General Incorporated Association) More Trees
July 19, 2007
H&K Akasaka Residence 201, 4-7-7 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 107-0052
Representative Director
Ryuichi Sakamoto
Masaaki Ikeda
Toru Kenjo
Naoki Ishibashi
Takuya Yamazaki
  • Forest conservation at “More Trees Forests” in and outside Japan
  • Planning and hosting of seminars and events related to forests as well as forest tours
  • Planning and sales of domestic timber products
  • Provision of forest carbon offset services
  • Assistance to disaster affected areas
  • Other general projects related to forests